Jeremy Gordon | Paintings Online | Odana Bloofield

Jeremy Gordon

My methods of tempera painting vary, but all my tempera paintings are built of multiple layers of pigment bound, or tempered, with egg yolk or an egg and oil emulsion. A straight egg tempera painting is made up of small brush strokes in layers. Pure egg tempera does not lend itself to blending as readily as oil paint and traditionally the surface is built by hatching and cross hatching. My paintings in egg and oil tempera are built of multiple layers of pigment tempered with egg, egg and oil emulsions, oil glazes and oil paint. This is a more flexible medium and behaves differently optically to egg tempera because of the introduction of oil. The oils used vary and resigns are sometimes added.

The panels for tempera painting are coated with nine or ten layers of gesso. Gesso is calcium carbonate (whiting) mixed with rabbit skin glue. This makes a very stable ground and the many layers of the gesso also have an effect on the optics of the painting. Tempera on gesso is one of the oldest mediums for making paintings. It's longevity is well known. The combination of the layers of the gesso ground and the many layers of pigment variously bound build up luminosity of colour.

1947 - Born in Adelaide, South Australia
1961 - 1962 - Fine Arts, South Australia School of Art
1962 - 1963 - Private tuition from Sir William Dobell who encourage Jeremy to go abroad
1963 - 1965 - East Sydney Technical College, Sydney under Sir William Dobell
1966 - Hammersmith Art School, London
1966 - 1968 - Byam Shaw School, London - awarded painting Prize and Diploma of Fine Art

1971 - Joseph Brown Gallery, Melbourne; Max Adams Gallery, Adelaide
1975, 1977 - Bloomfield Galleries, Sydney
1978 - Greenhill Galleries, Adelaide
1979 - Commonwealth Institute, London; Bloomfield Galleries, Sydney
1982 Bloomfield Galleries, Sydney
1987 - Tynte Gallery, Adelaide
1988, 1991 - 
Bloomfield Galleries, Sydney
1993 - BMG Art, Adelaide
Bloomfield Galleries, Sydney

BHP Collection, Melbourne
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Sydney
Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide
Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney

Art and Australia, Volume 9, No. 1, 1971
Bonython, Kym, 
Modern Australian Painting 1970-1975, Rigby, 1976
Bonython, Kym, Modern Australian Painting 1975-1980, Rigby, 1980
Germaine, Max, 
Artists and Galleries of Australia, Boolarong Publications, 1984
Germanine, Max, Artists and Galleries of Australia, Boolarong Publications, 1990
McCulloch, Alan, 
Encyclopedia of Australian Art, Allen and Unwin, 1984
McCulloch, Susan and McCulloch, Alan, Encyclopedia of Australian Art, Allen and Unwin, 1994
Vantage, Volume 1, No. 1, 1977, cover

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